The Briar Patch staff cigar picks for November are in! If you haven’t already tried these great cigars, stop by the Briar Patch today to experience them for yourself!
Announced by Two Guys Smoke shop on Superbowl Sunday to be the best cigar of 2013, the Atabey cigar is a special creation by Nelson Alfonso. The Atabey cigar is handmade in limited quantities from the highest quality tobaccos from the Caribbean and Central America. This is the kind of cigar that no cigar enthusiast will want to miss.
The Second Growth cigar is filled with Honduran and Dominican tobaccos surrounded by a hybrid Ecuadorian-Habano wrapper. When first smoked, these cigars possess aromas of fruit and lend flavors of wood, chocolate, and leather, until the flavor profile becomes slightly creamy. The Second Growth cigars have a perfect draw and are packed in unique wooden boxes made from wine barrels. Second Growth cigars were blended specifically to pair with fine red wine, so try one with your favorite bottle! You will be amazed at how the cigar opens the wine and vice versa.
Hendrik Kelner, Jr., son of Davidoff Cigars company president Henke Kelner, is the mastermind behind the Smoking Jacket cigar. Created at Kelner’s factory in the Dominican Republic, the Toro Magno and Robusto Imperial sizes are wrapped in a Brazilian Cubra leaf.
L’Atelier is a newer brand of cigars within the Tatuaje profile, blended and rolled by the My Father Cigars Factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. L’Atelier pays homage to the Cuban Cohiba Behike. Offered in a 52, 54, and 56 ring gauge with a pigtail, l’Atelier is a medium-full-bodied cigar using all Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos with an Ecuadorian wrapper.
Davidoff master blenders, led by Hendrik “Henke” Kelner, went on an exploration for a new type of blend that would stimulate both the bitter and sweet taste buds. This relentless pursuit took them to Nicaragua and the fiery volcanic soil of the Estelí, Condega, Jalapa, and Ometepe regions.
With time, patience, and perseverance, the team crafted the Davidoff Nicaragua. With 10 years of preparation, curing, and aging, the Davidoff Nicaragua delivers an exceptional blend with all the intensity, excitement, and refined sophistication aficionados would expect from Davidoff. Handmade in Davidoff’s Dominican facilities, its quality and exceptional craftsmanship are unsurpassed.
The Room 101 Namakubi series of cigars features a Habano wrapper, Generoso-seed Honduran binder, and Dominican and Honduran Vuelta Abajo fillers. This smoke is medium- to full-bodied. It is strong without being too much on the palate; the presence of spice is more subtle.
The name of the line comes from the Samurai culture, where in ancient times, two Samurai clans would gather for competition. Normally, the losing party would die as a result of the wounds sustained in battle or be executed upon defeat. The Namakubi, or “freshly severed head” of the losing party, would be prepared on a wooden tray then tagged in a regimented manner and presented to the leader of the winning clan as a gift.
Diamond Crown Maximus cigars represent the apogee of cigar craftsmanship in a full-bodied compliment to the original Diamond Crown series. Created for J.C. Newman by Tabacalera A. Fuente, a dark natural Ecuadorian wrapper surrounds a robust blend of patiently cured and aged Dominican tobaccos for a rich, complex, and perfectly balanced smoke. These limited-production cigars are presented in uniquely designed chests of 20 cigars that form the letter ‘M’ or in 5-packs.
The J.D. Howard Reserve, along with all of the other Crowned Heads projects, is created by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo at his Tabacalera La Alianza S.A. Factory in the Dominican Republic. The blend consists of a dark, Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, an Ecuadorian Sumatra binder, and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos.
An impressive homage to the infamous Jesse James, J.D. Howard was the alias that James used while trying to live a normal life following an 1876 bank robbery in Minnesota that resulted in the death or arrest of several of his associates. James made his new life in Nashville, the home to Crowned Heads.